B.R.P.'S who are helpful to teachers and
give them guidance and handholding materials. Taken three days residential
training from 10th nov.2014 to 12th nov.2014.
Training place for social science B.R.P.'s
district's are sabarkantha, Banaskantha, Patan, Mehsana,Gandhinagar and kutch.
Training Duration :-
To 12/11/2014
b.r.p.'s who worked at block level ; by
this training they get guidence for change in teaching give good innovative
ideas to teachers and build up teaching learning at school level.
Take guidance for
teaching learning method.
For corresponding of
content according activities and skills.
For the developing of
subject related definition and method.
MR. Bhaveshbhai
Mr. Ketan Vyas.
Harshidaben J. Chaudhary.
We reached at
the training place on 9th Nov.2014 at 5:00pm. In the first session
we gave our introduction and information of Module.
On 10th Nov.2014 experts did
group discussion related Module, Role of B.R.P.'s and discussion of lessons at
the end of semester during 9:00 am to 5:30 pm.
Experts and B.R.P.'s were doing activities
and discussed their own innovative work on 11th Nov. 2014.
On 12th Nov. 2014 did activities
related geography and discussion on hard points.
Training gives us new refreshment, content
related expertness, skill development and take knowledge of new points. Which
helpful us at the school level.
SSA, Sabarkantha
submit the name of an innovative experiment: - Joshi and kadarpa.
throne: - biapi. Social Science
Organization: - BRC Building Khedbrahma
monam: - 9978596816
Title: - to make the subject interesting social science association
Name of innovative activity: - Social Science Association
Beneficiary : - raghivada Cluster
5rinama: - Social Science Corner, activities related to the celebration of a special day to be effective.
Description of novel experiments: - mathematics, science and language is being formed salakaksae performed its activities in schools. 5rantu social science subjects so that's not due to any planned activities were not implemented. To solve this kacasane raghivada Cluster implemented the experiment in social science subject teachers to give guidance. Activities have been ongoing. Inspired by oaisi TT Mr. Shailesh N. Diameter was found by Sir. And in order to BRC Piyush B. Co-osri. Joshi was a given.
The evaluation of innovative activity: - Social Science salakaksae formed to guide the activities of a5vamam. It has been observed directly after the meeting. The u5ranta salakaksae seringa and guide them through the activities of the votasaa5na Medium a5va made more effective by the Social Science Club Group.
Beneficiary group
Rpuva observation and North View
Cluster raghivada
Elementary 36.67% 5rinama exactly planning to do with the 80% of activities designed with specific purposes.
Current Status: - After the start of the academic year, courses are made based unit anuru5 activities. Inspired by the District's other primary schools teachers has led to the formation of social science.
Implementation Organization Name: - BRC Building Khedbrahma
Innovative Activity section: - the school, the classroom and the school hands out innovative activity gharayela
textbook and Study Techniques and educational activities in order to solve critical mudraone
learning to teach, is the development of materials
co-participation of children and parents with regard to inspection adyayayana
Development of Children
Let's playing samajio map
by: rajubhai Wholly brother dabhi | Category: In-SCHOOL innovations
Sub Category: Social Science & Environment
Num phone: 9737617376
Email Id: rajudabhiyahoocom
School Address: Mr. Reva Pvt. School. At. Reva said umarala keva School Dist. Bhavnagar
Reason Innovation: the map of the first children to express their understanding about what the map. અને તેની વિગતો અને આધારભૂત વિગતો સમજવામાં મુશ્કેલી પડતી હતી તેમજ નકશોની સંકલ્પના સ્પષ્ટ થતા તેમના અંગો સમજવામાં મુશ્કેલી પડતી હતી તેમજ બાળકોને નકશો અને ભૂગોળ કંટાળાજનક અને અધુરૂ લાગતુ હતું તેમજ ભૂગોળ સમજવામાં પાયાનો એકમ તો તે નકશો હતો અને ભૂગોળ શિક્ષણ કંટાળાજનક અને અધુરૂ લાગતુ હતું તેમજ ભૂગોળ The base unit is considered to be believed, it was a map and a map of their specific and easy to understand, as well as the way it was given to the Subject of the bark of the syllabus were not met any results
Description : મારો નવતર પ્રયોગ એ છે કે બાળકો ખૂબજ સરળ અને પ્રવૃત્તિ તથા રમત રમતા રમતા નકશો સમજે શીખે એમે ખ્યાલ પણ ન રહે કે આપણા અત્યારે નકશા એકમનુ શિક્ષણકાર્ય અથાત અધ્યાપન કરી રહયા છીએ આમ બાળકોની સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન અને ભૂગોળ પેય વિજ્ઞાન ની એકમ વિશેષ નકશો સમજવામાં પડતી મુશ્કેલીઓ હતી હવે પ્રથમ તો નકશા એકમનુ શિક્ષણ કાર્યની શરૂઆત કરતા પહેલા મે તેમને ગામના માઈલસ્ટોન (અંતરદર્શક) સીંગ બતાવ્યા અને તેમજ આજુ બાજુના ગામના નામ અને તે ગામના અંતર મૂળગામથી અંતર જણાવી કાગળ પર પ્રવૃત્તિ કરાવી હવે બાળકોને કહયું કે તે આ ગામથી બીજી ગામોના અંતર સાથેના નામ If a single peijhamam kharekhera have shown how the vasivika way interaction is far from clear that the concept of maps and their meaning clear explanation of the apparent origin of the word vyupati and chronic lung manavasariranu produced mainly three organs of the human body ( 1) of the head ( 2) ઘડ ( 3) હાથ અને પગ અખત આ ત્રણેય અંગો એકસાથે હોય છે ત્યારે જે માનવ શરીરનું નિર્માણ થાય છે આમનું એકપણ અંગ ન હોય તો તે માનવ શરીર કહેવાનું નથી નકશો પણ ત્રણ અંગોનો બનેલ છે અથાત જેમાં અંગોનો સમાવિસ્ટ હોય તેજ આધાર ભૂત નકશો માનવામાં આવે છે is considered a basic map so that it can be more clear and easy to understand map. The coach needs to have the baby at peijhamam phuppatti materials such as rubber, pencil etc. pramanamapa 1 phutapatti 1 paholainu measurement of the length of the rubber to the size of the classroom to create a map of the desired material as well vargamani symbol banavi nidresa necessary to say to the suggestion and direction of nidresananum
Innovation Result: This activity has reinforced the concept maps visenu knowledge about the map that most children need to be conscious of their limbs about the flight path of understanding and the necessary maps and the necessary data viceni janavatabhari were aware of the information they have knowledge of the maps required.
Evaluation : આ પ્રવૃત્તિથી બાળકોનો ભૂગોળ
શિક્ષણમાં રસ વધ્યો તેમજ પ્રવૃત્તિ અને રમત રમતા નકચો સમજબાની પ્રવૃત્તિથી બાળકને
વધુમાં વધુ ભૂગોળ વિષયમાં રસ વધ્યો તેમજ તેમને પ્રવૃત્તિ દ્વારા શીખવામાં વધુ રસ
પડે છે તેમને ભાગીઘરી અને સહકારકતા વધે છે તેમની સુપુસ્ત શક્તિનો વિકાસ થાય છે
Current Position: Currently, this fee can be obtained either by risesa map as the time required to receive the information needed to make vigatolum directed interpretation of criteria, and thus they receive a map of the world of knowledge
A collection of ancient coins
by: sangitabena Naginbhai Patel | Category: In-SCHOOL innovations
Sub Category: Social Science & Environment
Num phone: 9979733607
Email Id: sangitapatel16yahooin
SCHOOL Address: BRC Bhavna, navsaari neaar italva primary SCHOOL tadi-JALANDHAR
Reason Innovation: Social Sciences unit to teach history and language of their geometric metal sculptures, etc., precise knowledge of the time required to store the coins in order to diagnose the problem
Description : નાનપણથી જ મને સિક્કા સંગ્રહ કરવાનો શખ હતો ત્યારે તે માત્ર મનોરંજન પૂરતો મર્યોદિત હતો તેમાં મને સિક્કા પૂરા પાડવામાં મારા પિતા બહેન અને દાદાએ કરી ત્યારબાદ જ્યારે આ સંગ્રહાયેલ સિક્કાઓ મને ઈતિહાસ વિષયનું પૂરતું જ્ઞાન પુરું પાડવા માટેખૂબ જ ઉપયોગી થઈ પડ્યા હાલમાં મારી પાસે અંગ્રેજોના સમયથી Take up a collection of modern coins in copper, silver, aluminum and steel coins include the following looks
Innovation Result: The current time is to continue to work to increase the collection of coins in the collection have been well
Innovation Evaluation: Real coins which showcases children in the shape of the coin chronology of early metal enrichment, etc. Above specific information (understanding) children can get
Current Position: Std. 6 to 8 flows into the history of the Currency, as well as for teaching of mathematics and mathematics subjects to teach the subject of money, but money is appropriate to teach a collection of coins
Plastic Control
by: baraiya laksmanabhai ramabhai | Category: In-SCHOOL innovations
Sub Category: Social Science & Environment
Num phone: 9574329936
Email Id: dhruvesh245yahoocom
School Address: phariyadaka prasa Tajibhavanagara Via-varateja
Reason Innovation: Plastics are a threat to the environment. Each person avivekapane krama use of plastic. Khagyapadartho vegetable residues, etc., where there Dispose of the plastic pack. Pasum domestic animals consume it with plastic. જે કારણે તે રોગીષ્ટ બને તેનું મોત થાય પ્લાસ્ટિક વાડી ખેતરે જાય પવન વંટોળ દ્વારા ઉભા પાકમાં જાય ખેડૂત દવાનો છંટકાવ કરે તે દવા પ્લાસ્ટિક પર પડે ત્યા જમમા થાય ખેતિમાં ઉપયોગી કેટલા જીવજંતુઓ અને પક્ીઓ આ પ્રાણી જીવે અને તે ઉપયોગી જીવોનો નાશ થાય છએ આ સમસ્યા છે તેના It is necessary to work at school level.
Description : બાળકો જે શરીરમાં રહેતા હોય તેનું શેરી ગ્રુપ બનાવવામાં આવ્યું તેનું એક ફોર્મ તૈયાર કરી તેમાં સફાઈ દ્વારા પ્લાસ્ટિક નિયંત્રણ તેની શેરીમાં રહેતા લોકોને વાડી ખેતરે જતા પ્લાસ્ટિકની ગંભીરતા ની સમજ આપી પ્લાસ્ટિકનો ઉપયોગ વિવેકપૂર્ણ થાય તેવો પ્રચાર બાળકો પોતપોતાની શેરીમાં કરે પ્લાસ્ટિક બહાર ન ફેકતા તેનો યોગ્ય This causes people to have disposed of their homes by understanding how animal bird damage. It can take a life of it delivered to the people
Innovation Result: The streets of the village is a plastic release. After getting the items used in plastic packs where the chord changes phekavanam that radiates to the right place. Viksi in children who are able to earn points.
Innovation Evaluation: a group meeting once a week to have a plastic handle. Children in the workplace are reviewed. Guidance is given. Niskriya groups are encouraged. Except for a group determined to become the new group is being held. Following the instructions kindly arranged a visit to the street where it is needed.
Current Position: Currently, this function is turned on. His work is continuing as normal. I wish that this work is spreading
To establish the preservation of the natural environment by ikoklaba children.
by: Narasimha jerajabhai tilaya | Category: In-SCHOOL innovations
Sub Category: Social Science & Environment
Num phone: 9898343868
Email Id: dietrajkotyahoocoin
School Address: sevantra Pvt. School , At. Sevantra , Poe. Jaliya defects , no. Upleta , Dist. Rajkot.
Reason Innovation: Division of Wildlife officer in a camp organized by the school, which had been planned to experiment inspired by a teacher of the innovative.
Description : " વર્ષ ૨૦૦૭ - ૦૮ પહેલા ક્યારા નું નિર્માણ કરવામાં આવ્યું. બધા શિક્ષકો સાથે સભા કરીને એ સભા કરીને એ વિચારવામાં આવ્યું કે ક્યાં વૃક્ષો ને છોડ વાવવાના છે અને તેની યાદી તૈયાર કરી. પછી વન વિભાગ ની ઓફીસ પર થી ૩૦ વૃક્ષો ના રોપાઓ અને થોડા છોડ ના લાવવામાં આવ્યા અને શાળા ના મેદાન માં સારી જગ્યા પર રોપવામાં આવ્યા. તેની જાણવાની ને તેનું જતન વગેરે શિક્ષકો દ્વારા અને વિદ્યાર્થીઓ દ્વારા કરવામ આવતું હતું. પછી તેમાં વૃક્ષો પર અને છોડ ની બાજુ માં તેના નામ ની તકતી ચોટાડવામાં આવી. જેનાથી બાળકો તે વૃક્ષો ને ઓળખી સકે અને તેના નામ જાણી સકે. વૃક્ષો માં અમુક ઔષધી ના છોડ પણ વાવવામાં આવ્યા હતા જેનો ઉપયોગ બાળકો તથા ગામ ના લોકો કરે છે. બધા છોડ ને વૃક્ષો વિવિધ પ્રકારના છે જેમાં અંદાજે ૧૦ જેટલા અલગ અલગ વૃક્ષો ને છોડ નો સમાવેશ થાય છે . "
Result innovation: " The results were as follows: a garden in the school was built. babies were referred to the plants and trees. babies and some medicinal vaveli in the school got its information. children using the herb being used. were aware of the environment and know and was not at home and afield of those trees were not stepwell. "
Innovation Evaluation: Trio of children by teachers when trees and shrubs were planted, and it's going to be a better way that will foster the continuous assessment is not. And what guidance is given to children when needed.
Current Position: Currently, this activity is now closed because of trees and bushes planted in the ground Denim manufacturing has left school and is now in place around the plant that does not mean that more do not. Of plants and trees and are now preserved.
Natyapravrtti expression by any unit.
by: Raval ketanabhai exactly | Category: In-SCHOOL innovations
Sub Category: Social Science & Environment
Num phone: 9638495099
Email Id: ketanraval3gmailcom
School Address: gomata Girls School , said. Gondal , Dist. Rajkot.
Reason Innovation: the general method explained in students as well as the environment, especially in a subject having difficulty understanding some of the units. The teacher felt that if these entities are dramatically presented in the direct vision students can more easily understand.
Description: " Firstly, the students for the activity or event, the story is illustrated. then some students may choose to create a character to the event is. event to a given dialogue. entire event-- then the students of play Other students are able to. these students all the way to the event as well as an understanding of its characters and not longer bhulatum. "
Innovation Result: Real-vision students to understand more easily understood. And no longer remember. Sometimes a character character-described do not even have to understand the real vision more effectively.
Innovation Evaluation: Whenever an event or story on the new units are taken as reference for the study , the students throughout the event as well as its characters, including characters bhajavanara students have to remember.
Current Position: " teacher in a variety of disciplines to describe events , it dramatically illustrates the presence of students in the third dhorananam. the activity of the other teachers are doing. "
by: Dilip kantidasa devamurari | Category: In-SCHOOL innovations
Sub Category: Social Science & Environment
Num phone: 9879573220
Email Id: cygnusdevgmailcom
School Address: KC school district , Sultanpur , At. Sultanpur , Delhi. Gondal , Dist. Rajkot.
Reason Innovation: From childhood to learn about astronomy, very dearly. But any person who is found to have known about astronomy. - In today's high tech world of computers by means of spatial knowledge as well as get to know a lot about. But the real sky, planets , stars , stars, stars that very few people know about. India is one of the oldest and almost astronomical science is science. - Astronomical knowledge are very few people who are in charge of the business, as much hovati very few people in the field of information. - Vibrant cherishes our youth are so talented that he can not wait to correct the astronomical Kalpana Chawla , Rakesh Sharma, Sunita Williams is like a village in the village. But it's true that the need to wait. - Current curriculum dho 5 to be included in the astronomy of the curriculum , as well as many rural students whose parents Science Center, go to the city's economic situation is not likely to gain knowledge about astronomy. If such a rural area school students are more open to the sky real sky to celebrate the year 2009, the first of January and I have self-determination. I'm still my goal to counteract the constant endeavor.
Description: Year 2009 is the year the International Astronomical Sources ujavatum year I vowed that from the first of January , 2009, from a village in Gujarat, primary school , secondary school or go to college without any charge to be watching the skies. As well as to realize about prakrtiprema and environmental awareness. - Calls for a school akasadarsana I just take vahanabhadum no charge. This function does not adversely affect any of my duty. Because this activity after school hours, as well as the distant school days, I am a king. For this task, I have a small telescope and a laser light as well as a few books relating to the knowledge of space and equipment is purchased. Akasadarsanani demands of school, my fee is a little unique. My fee for each student in the program for at least 2 trees at any place , at any time levadavum am determined to sow. Appeared on the sky line. Gujarat in the night from 8 to 10 or in the early morning, 5 to 6 in the mobile space, no one will inquire about the object of knowledge, but I will guide you.
Innovation Result: the year 2009 to the year 2013, the 30,000 -odd children , parents , teachers akasadarsana is submitted. As well as continuing the activity in my school students attending school have been watching the sky. Lunar eclipse , solar eclipse , as well as an astronomical event that ulkavarsa remain vigilant about the new search. The sky is the vision of the school, its students have to know about the stars, planets.
Innovation Evaluation: Each of the sky appeared to go to school after school certificate from the sky, and a revelation of the matter is getting photographs.
Current Position: Such students also received letters from the stands. - Year 2009 oktobalathi since April without a cloud in the sky is clear , no need to call the school to go to. Celestial phenomena occurring at various time intervals as well as the underlying program'm yojum. This innovative experiment 1 million students are up to, but my desire is to continue further.
To give students knowledge of the celestial.
by: devamurari that defensively. | Category: In-SCHOOL innovations
Sub Category: Social Science & Environment
Num phone: 9879573220
Email Id: cygnusdevgmailcom
School Address: Sultanpur Kumar District School , Dist. Rajkot.
Reason Innovation: Rural primary education level too little knowledge about astronomy has. Clean the city than in rural areas , the sky without pollution khagolajnana get the best ranking. The main purpose of going to school at rural level akasadarsana the Internet , reference material as well as the need to educate students to make maximum use of resources.
Description: 2009 to one million students and villagers are determined to raise awareness about the environment as well as a vision of heaven. During this activity, the student knows about the impact of our environment on Earth. Astronomical is a tough subject to the actual knowledge of the book or by other means to get more information. In addition to my school in any school in the state free of charge to see the sky is my pledge. City than the rural poor and backward class children, children who have special knowledge of this is my pledge. Malaya, if not in person. I saw the sky appeared online, by phone.
Innovation Result: my activities in my school got the chance to visit other towns and district schools. Students have to know about astronomy. And the future of this knowledge.
Innovation Evaluation: Year 2009 from the heavens appeared to have the program, students have been watching the sky. And the stars , planets and the stars have to know about. Our school children from going to school can be a vision of heaven.
Current Position: In the year 2009, this activity has continued to steady myself. This activity is not due to monsoon clouds. But until Diwali, Holi is ongoing. The Internet , as well as other scientific technical result is more straightforward.
Healthy soil.
by: dharmesakumara sukkarabhai Patel. | Category: In-SCHOOL innovations
Sub Category: Social Science & Environment
Num phone: 7874302547
Email Id: patelmeshvidsyahoocom
School Address: Elementary School malaseta taumaragama , jivalasada.
Reason Innovation: school children are garbage anywhere radiates. Due to the climate and soil pollution. The plastic also enters the soil of the land is polluted.
Description: This innovative experiment in healthy soil, and it was brought to my school trash bin on seven different boards were maravama only three plastic trash is dumped and the trash just as well as the disposal of waste paper could be. Kammpaundamam school as well as two separate pits khodavama named paying down the < 1 > plastic indentation < 2 > paper-leaf pit. Children who were discussing it in the trash. After two to three days after the plastic waste was burned. As well as those of paper-leaved pit-leaf papers were burned and they were spraying water. And after some time it has been used as a fertilizer in bagama disturbed children.
Innovation Result: reduce the amount of waste the school grounds. Medanama of plastic does not break. The soil contamination does not spread. Bagama fertilizer , kicanagardanama ausadhibagamam use as well.
Innovation Evaluation: The experiment is set up for the implementation team and the pit removed waste and compost making light bagama cause the trees as well.
Current Position: On the basis of the curriculum as well as ikokalabani the activity is run.
Drama standard 7
by: Neha BMaheta | Category: In-SCHOOL innovations
Sub Category: Social Science & Environment
Num phone: 9328468979
Email Id: nehadave32yahoocom
SCHOOL Address: Devdi Primary School
Reason innovation: The Concept in grasping english in a batter way
Description: It IS a dramatisation I an Interesting way of a story. Which simplifies many new words with visualisation of actions. Easy to understand
Innovation Result: Search for help on students eager to watch Drama The New and Difficult words they all easily understood. They also inspire to speak english.
Evaluation innovation: First of all I The story told. I clarified meanings of new words but still the full understanding was very slow. Then I write story in a dialogue form and dramatise it and try to create real situation students involved in it with joy and learn it in batter way.
Current Position: This IS successfulThey like Method to Learn english in this way. They also like to participate in english dramas and activities.
At school, trying to avoid the effects of malnutrition in children with mild
by: komalabena Chandrakant Sharma | Category: Enabling innovations
Sub Category: Resource Mobilization
Num phone: 9624571779
Email Id: komal777799gmailcom
School Address: Primary School , Vadodara , Vadodara mupo , ta Tarapur , Anand ji
Reason Innovation: To mitigate the effects of malnutrition in children with mild to school level
Description: My school has a school health inspection results during the cokavanaru I fell into the idea. After long thought Ms. posanani direction has been started to work. At this stage many of the cases were attributed featuring Ku-nutrition, such as during mild exercise , Caution - visrama time , while standing idea for children to eat, nausea , vargama darmyana task of teaching the children kallako tired , thila , krsa levels were falling. Especially in the face of the girls looked phikka. My kangala dubala children and looked out hasali in the neck and body looked just bones. In addition, the program Armaan HB TEST children from 6 to 9 HB attributed much of the ankda. All this talk about the school principal after the school promised to adopt a family meeting with the parents to fill all of the issues presented and milk society contact the administrators. Extending children's parents are able to add milk to the milk derima bhaganu few cans of milk to be submitted to the school children and school children began lavavanu regular milk pivadavavanu started paying people in the village and also the collaboration and cooperation of the school's family received a. Most of the positions of vidhyarthioni in mind that the reduction of malnutrition. "સ્વથી સ્ર્વમાટે પ્રયોગ કાર્ય અમલી બનાવવાનુ નક્કી કર્યુ. શાળામાં બાળકો દ્વારા ઘણી વાર ખબર પડતી હતી કે તેવોના ઘરે દુધની વ્યવસ્થા નથી જેથી તેવો દૂધ ખાવાની કે પીવાની વાત કરવાથી તેમની સમજ બારની વાત થશે. બાળકોના ઘરની પરિસ્થિતિ ઘણી જ દયનીય હતી. ઘણા કુટુંબો ઘરે દુધાળા જાનવરો રાખી શકે તેવી પરિસ્થિતિ ન હતી. જેના કારણે મે શાળામાં અને ગામમાં આ વિષે વિગતવાર શિક્ષકો અને ગામજનો ને સમજાવી તેવો સવારે ડેરી માં દૂધ ભરે ત્યારે બાજુ માં ડેરી ના કર્મચારી ને કહ્યા મુજબ સાઈડમાં એક કેન મુકે જેમાં ગામના જે પણ વ્યક્તિ ને જેટલી પણ ઈચ્છા થાય તેટલું દૂધ તે કેન માં નાખે. ત્યાર બાદ તે દૂધ અમે શાળા માં લાવી તેને ગરમ કરી બાળકોને મધ્યાહન ભોજન સમયે જથ્થા પ્રમાણે પહેલા કન્યા અને વધારે હોય તો કુમારને આપવાનું શરુ કર્યું.આ અભિયાનમા ગામ લોકો અને વાલીઓનો ઘણો મોટો સહકાર મળ્યો , એસએમસી સમિતિનો સહયોગ In addition, the collaboration has been sarpanch. Besides children, beans, milk , green vegetables and also kept on Yoga
Innovation Result: This experiment was sufficient for my class where I am satisfied with the outcome of the event, then all school children in the same situation in this experiment was the school-oriented class of the children of 6 to 8 HB attributed childrens Departure statistics prefixed Weighment and the status of the now uncaima a good Normale showed a significant difference. Children working in vigorous exercise and attributed it appeared to improve children's health in the first major face nahti Parnu nura chalakayu now. Having achieved many good results. Many children at home on the milk nota P would not have to take delight in it. For many children, due to lack of milk found that healthy. The afternoon was giving more attention to the study.
Evaluation innovation: HB TEST Armaan was in his early ankda came on the following trading update. Khadma weight and height of children in the class schedule has been charged patrakama manually filling in the details. Their Daily Diet Rite class khandama be prasnotari beans , green vegetables, a variety of model demonstration was organized. Mulakatama guardian guardians have taken the opinion suyogya recommended practices yoga to children having kept awake about food drinks. Doravama has notched cares about eating baby food pacatu but do not eat it like vrajarasana sikhavya yogasano. Apart from the physical svachta was a big appeal to repel diseases. Often saw the children on the milk was receiving so many kids had fun. Many of milk sat at meat. Many have had the pleasure to drink milk. In this process the parents were also found happiness and joy. If I was asking about the children that this process was found to be very happy. I have often heard the children talking about their positive found.
Current Position: In today's school milk program regularly Smoking is only now starting to gather and present a fresh figure joieto critically acclaimed Milk Total 70litara jetrlu children are in school. And children forwardly fresh milk drink is ugly. On today's madhyanaha bhojanama increased milk pudding is made for children. This method is pleased to present our school children. Children's parents also enjoy. And this kind of school performance has been committed to bringing about the exit and keep forever.
People's participation in tourism by co-educational concepts clearly.
by: Mehul that. Kalivada | Category: Enabling innovations
Sub Category: Resource Mobilization
Num phone: 9723668489
Email Id: mehulkalivdayahoocoin
School Address: saradhava boys school , tajigandhinagara
Reason Innovation: ancient structures in the outer world , the geographic identity of the surface due to financial difficulties had to be overcome. Lokasahakara efforts to get it done.
Description: Ancient monuments , its importance , the surface , the Arabian Sea , the natural wonder (Terms of Use pool), etc. The most backward and the general situation of children direct experience of the leading citizens of the village in order to collect valuable and substantial contribution to the educational trip (two-day) planned. Various sanctuaries , life , wildlife , natural beauty pageants , priceless ancient heritage , and foreign visitors were aware etc. Curiously opened new boundaries. Analysis showed the power of cognition and development.
Innovation Result: geographical situation , samudradhuni , ocean , sea, direct visits such differences can be better understood.
Innovation Evaluation: from direct experience of the nature of issues ought to understand it better.
Current Position: current concepts in the social sciences, on the basis of foreknowledge of tourism can absorb very quickly and well.
Consider newfangled.
by: Jenny Rakesh R | Category: Enabling innovations
Sub Category: Resource Mobilization
Num phone: 9825701205
Email Id: dietrajkotyahoocoin
School Address: khakhara Pvt. School , At. Khakhara , Ta. Tankara , Dist. Rajkot.
Reason Innovation: First of all, having inspired the children to the library, but did not read comics but I reg issue for a long time. Looked like a science or math or other information is common knowledge, the book was issued. If I take the problem of how to attract a child to such a book ?
Description: 4 years ago I started this activity. Sujyo get to the issue of a newspaper (the current paper) Saturday purtine in the collection, but by children. But that was not possible because the village was not a newspaper. I began cutting it from children in purtio gathering elsewhere. And posted on the project paper and gave it to a folder and file format. Students in prayer to express that reading through the pages folder.
Innovation Result: The experiment of a child to learn to do things like that, but what I have read vartasvarupa 5 0% similar success, and learned a lot of new. And it yourself, take it to the file being read.
Innovation Evaluation: In this activity, I change a lot of what I saw and 30% were found to lead to success. Books related to issues such as science began to be felt. In all of this, I kept my attention.
Current Position: Now a lot of work in this activity has been good.
My results from my mobile
by: Happiness munirakhana pirakhana | Category: Enabling innovations
Sub Category: School Community
Num phone: 9725413474
Email Id: blochmunirkhanggmailcom
School Address: Mr. Thaw at primary school. Karad said. Tana via Mahuva, Dist. Bhavnagar
Reason Innovation : શાળામાં ધોરણ 6 થી 8 ગણિત વિષયનુ અધ્યયન કરાવવુ છું ગણિતમાં દરમહિનાના અંતમાં વિદ્યાર્થીઓની લેખીત કસોટી લઉ છુ તેના પરિણામ શાળાના નોટીસ બોર્ડ પર મુકાતા તેમા મે નોંધ રાકી વિદ્યાર્થીઓ બરાબર ખાસ કસોટીમાં મહેનત કરતા નથી જેને સારાગુણ આવે તેનેજ આવતા નબળા વિદ્યાર્થીઓમાં ગણિત અધરા વિષયનો હાઉ I feel like the test showed vake
Description: Last year standard. 8 May an experiment in a Monthly yojavi kasotinu result of the student meets his guardian in person , all diligently for the young child to bring a mobile number in May while taking a test at the end of the month of May all the children and their guardians Hoyt write their mobile number on uttaravahi કહયુ તમામ વિદ્યાર્થીઓને મોબાઈલમાં મેસેજ જોવાની પ્રકિયા શીખવવામાં આવી તમામ વાલીને પણ જાણ કરવા બાળકોને જણાવ્યુ કસોટી લીધાના બીજા દિવસે રાત્રે 8.00 વાગ્યે પરિણામ મેસેજ થી જોવાશે તે કહયુ અને આ રીતે મે કસોટીનુ મેસેજ થી જોવાશે તે કહયુ અને આ રીતે મે કસોટીનુ પરિણામ મેસેજ દ્વારા વિદ્યાર્થીઓને અને વિદ્યાર્થીઓના The parents began to send to the mobile platform.
Result innovation: (1) the parent has been a positive experience by ( 2) the weaker students were focused on better understanding of mathematics ( 3) In the subsequent test, 25% marks in modified manner, ( 4) parents of their child's progress was realized at the end of the month ( 5) poor children person being sought critical point ( 6) critical point in the presence of weak children being sought ( 7) Navneet lesson yourself without having to shut down Wade sadataka
Evaluation : મારા મોબાઈલ પરથી તમામને મેસેજ દ્વારા
પરિણામ મોકલાવ્યા બાદ બીજે દિવસે મે અનુભવ્યુ કે હોશિયાર બાળકો કે જેને સારા ગુણ
હતાતે વધુ ખુશ હતા અને બીજા બાળકો એ પછીથી ગણિતીના તાસમાં વધુ ધ્યાન આપ્યુ હાલમા
મારા મોબાઈલનં સેન્ડ બોકસમાં તમામ મેસેજ છે.
Current Position: Currently a student of the pradhdhitithi given and the next day, but the result is placed on the school notice board.
Education TLM navinakarana by the project activity
by: kailasakumari Chhaganlal Patel | Category: In-SCHOOL innovations
Sub Category: ATTENDANCE
Num phone: 9824960956
Email Id: abkathiriyagmailcom
School Address: tatanagara (telada) Pvt. School Dist. Navsari
Innovation : શરૂઆતના વર્ષમાં શાળામાં બાળકોની
હાજરી ખૂબ ઓછી જોવા મળી અને જે બાળકો આવતા હતા તેમને રસ ન હોય એમ જડગાયુ બાળકને એક
એક પધ્ધતાથી ભગાવવાથી બાળકમાંથી ભણાવાનો રસ ઊઠી જતો જોવા મળ્યો અને તેની અસર હાજરી
પર પડતી જડગાઈ
Description : બાળક શાળામાં ટકી રહે અને શાળામાં સક્રિય રહે ભણવામાં રસ કેળવે તે માટે કંઈક નવુ નવુ બાળકોને આપવામાં આવે તોજ આ શકય બને બાળકોને શાળામાં આવવુ ગમે ટકી રહેવુ ગમે અને ભણવામાં રસ કેળવે તે માટે જો બાળકોને નવી-નવી પ્રવૃત્તિ , પ્રોજેકટ રમત પટોર દ્વારા શીખવાની began.
Innovation Result: jisia R t start by calculating the reading writing campaign to our school, 100% achievement of education into the life of our school visit also been taken from the writing to the Principal receives janakari is gadana.
Innovation Evaluation: Project activity followed by a teaching member of the children showed an interest of learning, reading, writing or calculating by Jove visayavasada amendment was enacted.
Current Position: Today our children in the morning at 9.30 before coming to school, and 9.30 to 10.45 in the corresponding period of the prior approach of teaching children to chant jateraya bhanavano ketalo not.
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